School Information » Discipline 7 Attendance (Enspanol Adjunto)

Discipline 7 Attendance (Enspanol Adjunto)

Gonzales High School Behavior Expectations and Consequences

The following is the code which will be used by Gonzales High School administration to consistently and fairly assign consequences for violating school rules or committing prohibited acts. Teachers will enforce school rules, and may establish additional rules within their classrooms. When it is determined that administrative intervention is necessary, the teacher will refer students to the administration for the application of these consequences. Consequences may include:

  • Parent/guardian notification
  • Parent/guardian conference
  • Verbal Warning
  • Loss of privileges
  • Detention
  • Saturday School
  • In-house suspension
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Criminal charges

Detentions may be assigned during:
  1. Brunch/Lunch up to 45 Minutes
  2. After School up to 60 Minutes
  3. Saturday School up to 240 Minutes weekly
In order to make this code more understandable and educational, infractions and their consequences are organized into the following categories: Socially Unacceptable Acts, Self-Defeating Acts, Violations of Academic Ethics, Violations of California Education Code and Illegal Acts

Definitions and Consequences:

Socially Unacceptable Acts

Socially Unacceptable Acts are disrespectful, both to people and the learning environment. They are offensive to others. Socially unacceptable acts invite an incorrect perception of you.
Violations include: Disruption of School Activities, Inappropriate Attire, Inappropriate Use of Technological Devices, Inappropriate Behavior, Insubordination, Littering, Profanity

Disruption of school activities

All students are expected to contribute to an environment conductive to learning. Disruptive activities are those which interfere with teaching, learning, and/or another's personal rights. Consequences are assigned progressively depending upon how often behaviors are repeated, or how severe the disruption.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequencesDetention, Parent notification, Detention, Parent notification, Loss of privileges, In-House Suspension, Parent notification, Counselor notification, Loss of privileges, Suspension, Parent notification, Loss of privileges

Dress Code Violation

Students may not wear attire which violates the established GUSD dress code. Students who violate the dress code will be provided with an appropriate cover-up. The goal is to change the attire without losing learning, so students will not go home to change.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequencesRequest to change 
Request to change Detention
Provide alternate Parent notification
Request to change  
In-House Suspension
Parent notification
Counselor notification
Request to change Suspension
Parent Conference Loss of privileges

Inappropriate use of Technological Devices

Technological devices include phones, music players, any video player and headphones used with any of these devices. Students may not have these devices visible in classrooms or in use during class time. Individual teachers may allow the use of these devices as supporting the educational environment of that classroom.
Please note that the use of these devices is not recommended and students bring these devices at their own risk. GHS is not responsible for the loss of or damage to personal technology.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequencesDevice held for the day
Device held for the day
Parent notification
Device held until following Monday
In-House Suspension,
Parent notification
Device held until end of semester
In-House Suspension,
Release device to parent
Parent Conference Loss of privileges

Inappropriate Behavior

All students are expected to follow school rules, respect the rights of students and staff, and to resolve conflicts in a positive way. Inappropriate behaviors occur when students violate a school rule, or when a student's actions interfere with teaching, learning, and/or another's personal rights.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequencesWarning 
Parent notification
In-House Suspension
Parent notification
Suspension Parent Conference Loss of privileges


All students are expected to respond in a timely and respectful manner to all reasonable directives from an adult. Insubordination, or willful defiance, is defined as the refusal to follow the reasonable directives of any staff members.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequencesDetention Parent notificationDetention, Parent notification Loss of privileges In-House Suspension, Parent notification Loss of privileges
Parent notification
Loss of privileges


All students are expected to clean up after themselves.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequences
Campus Clean-up
Campus Clean-up
Parent Notification
In-House Suspension, Parent notification
Loss of privileges
Suspension, Parent conference
Loss of privileges


All students are expected to use language which is appropriate to school. Profanity is defined as the use of language or gestures which is inappropriate at school. This language is creates an improper atmosphere that detracts from learning. Students and staff have the right to function in an environment which is conductive to learning. Use of profane language varies in degree of severity and consequences will be applied accordingly.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequences
In-House Suspension
Loss of privileges
Loss of privileges Parent notification
Loss of privileges Parent conference
Suspension Loss of privileges Parent conference-

Self-defeating Acts

Self-defeating acts only hurt you. They interfere with the number one focus of your day- education. Ultimately, they come back to bite you, and only you. Their effect can be magnified drastically by their cumulative effect, or if they become a habit.
Violations include: Forgery, Tardiness to class, Truancy


All students are expected to submit notes, excuses, and passes which are properly authorized by a parent or staff member as deemed appropriate. Forgery is defined as the submission of an unauthorized request or signature. Forgery also occurs when a pass or note is altered without proper authorization.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequences Detention Parent notification 
Parent notification Loss of privileges
In-House Suspension, Parent notification Loss of privileges 
Parent notification
Loss of privileges 

Tardiness to class

We expect all students to arrive on time for all classes. It is a student responsibility to be on time. Tardiness is defined as the failure to be in the room and sitting in your seat or prepared to begin when the second bell stops ringing. Individual exceptions for readiness may be set by individual teachers.
Number of incidents6th tardy12th tardy18th tardyEach additional interruptionConsequencesDetention Parent notification  Saturday School Parent notificationSaturday School Parent Conference Loss of privileges  In-House Suspension Parent Conference Loss of privileges


All students are expected to attend school on all scheduled days unless legally excused. A student will be considered truant when absent for a school day without a legal excuse presented to the school attendance office. A student may be legally excused for: 1) personal illness, 2) illness or death in the family, 3) impassable roads or severe weather conditions, 4) religious observations, 5) attendance at a health clinic or doctor's office, or 6) a required court appearance. Legal absences must be documented either by a telephone call or in writing by a parent/guardian and submitted to the attendance office prior to or within three days of the student's return to school. Students are responsible for all learning missed. Truancy is defined as being tardy to a class by more than 30 minutes or missing a class entirely.
Number of incidents3rd truancy5th truancy7th truancyEach additional infractionConsequences
Detention  Parent notification
Saturday School
Parent notification
Saturday School
Parent Conference
Loss of privileges
Notification of Monterey County District Attorney
In-House Suspension
Parent Conference Loss of privileges
Notification of Monterey County District Attorney

Violation of Academic Ethics

Ethics are behaviors which are guided by moral judgment and standards of conduct. Your Academic Ethics are essential to gaining the maximum advantages from school. Violations of Academic Ethics are a special type of Self-Defeating Act, which prohibit you and your peers from learning. These behaviors also prevent you from becoming a responsible citizen.
Violations include: Cheating, Plagiarism


Each student is expected to produce his/her own work in and out of the classroom. Exceptions occur when a teacher assigns cooperative exercises, projects, and/or assignments, Cheating is defined as the intention to deceive staff and students by: 1) acquiring another individual's writings or ideas for personal gain, and/or 2) assisting another student by providing work for them.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequencesGrade of 0 
Detention   Parent Notification
Grade of 0 
In-house Suspension
Parent Conference
Grade of 0 
Parent Conference
Course Failure
Grade of 0 
Parent Conference
Removal from course


Each student is expected to acknowledge the supporting work of other authors in his/her written work. Plagiarism is defined as presenting or submitting published material without clear documentation and offering the information as a product of your own work.
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequencesGrade of 0 
Detention   Parent Notification
Grade of 0 
In-house Suspension
Parent Conference
Grade of 0 
Parent Conference
Course Failure
Grade of 0 
Parent Conference
Removal from course

Violations of California Education Code/Illegal Acts

Our system of law defines illegal activities very clearly, and they occur infrequently in our schools. Students need to be aware, however, of the behaviors which will fall under this heading on even minor occurrences. The final section under this heading refers to the California State Education Code. All students are expected to act in a lawful manner at all times. The violations and the consequences are listed below. These are serious violations and students who commit any of these acts will have school consequences and the juvenile justice system will be notified.
Caused, attempted, or threatened to cause physical injury
Damage to public or private property
Possession of dangerous objects
Harassment, making threats, intimidation
Use of force or violence
Possession of a weapon
Possession of selling of controlled substances
Possession of tobacco
Obscene acts
Possession of drug paraphernalia-
Receiving stolen property
Possession of an imitation firearm
Sexual assault
Harassment of a witness
Sexual harassment
Participation in hate violence
Number of incidents/SeverityFirst incident/Least severeSecond incident/Moderately severeThird incident/Most severeAdditional incidentsConsequences
In-House Suspension
Parent notification
Parent notification
Loss of privileges
Criminal charges filed if necessary
Or Expulsion
Parent notification
Loss of privileges
Criminal charges filed if necessary
Parent notification
Loss of privileges
Criminal charges filed if necessary